One would think that as my catering career has slowed down that hauling and schlepping would be a thing of the past.
Not so much. In fact, these days, my lifting muscles must be getting bigger by the day with all the packing, unpacking, and carrying I do in conjunction with Purple Asparagus' school programs.
My big green Land Rover (yes I know, it's not the most sustainable option but that's why our other car is a Prius) traverses the city proper from north to the south, the west and to the east. This weekend was no exception.
Friday's night program was in Edison Park, a community on the northwest side of the Chicago. Volunteer extraordinaire, Victoria Rivkina, and I hauled and schlepped in the pouring rain. Thankfully, a terrific group of parents and some adorable kids made their way through the inclement weather to see us, well really Staley the bear - we were definitely only the opening act.
As promised, I'm sharing the recipes we prepared - the kale chips being the biggest hit. For all the folks who braved the weather and even if you did not, click on the following link for the recipe handout. Despite being soaked, it was a lot of fun.
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